Ottoman Book Culture : Vaṣīyet-nāme

Birgivi Meḥmet Efendi, 1523-1573

Ottoman Book Culture

<p style='text-align: justify;'>An early, possibly autograph, copy of the Vaṣīyet-nāme, a popular treatise on the principles of the Muslim faith by Meḥmed b. Pīr 'Ali Birgivī (Birgili Meḥmed Efendi, d 981/1573). After a brief introduction, the treatise comprises many short chapters discussing a range of topics, such as 'the negative attributes of God' ("as-ṣifāt es-selbīye"), the miracles of the Prophet, Qur'ān recitation and 'shameful acts' ("mekrūhāt"). The author tells 'his brethren' ("iḫvān") that he was born on 10 Cemāẕīlevvel 929 (27 March 1523).</p>

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