<p style='text-align: justify;'> Handkerchief by the artist Mancsy <a target='_blank' class='externalLink uom-purple' href='https://twitter.com/RealMancsy'>@realmancsy</a>. This screen printed handkerchief was created to mark the 200th anniversary of the anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre. The work takes the form of 100 limited edition handkerchiefs. </p><p style='text-align: justify;'>A white square cotton handkerchief with black print images and text. The border reads educate yourself, apathy is not an option, have a voice in society and peaceful protest is part of a healthy democracy. The left hand side is dominated by a snake coiled around a group of figures. At the snake's tail is a figure, with deathly face mask, who rides on horseback, arm raised with sword aloft. Beneath the horse's hooves a Kollwitzesque mother and child stand on an image from the map of Peterloo [referenced from The John Rylands Peterloo Exhibition]. Lying on the map is the prone figure of a man. The right hand side is dominated by a large jug with the profile of Henry Hunt as the spout. The words many have fallen protecting our rights, Peterloo Massacre 16th August 1819 are printed on the jug. The ribbon cascading from the lip of the jug reads ‘We are the many, they are the few [Words derived from Percy Shelley's <i>Masque of Anarchy</i>]. There are a group of figures, dressed in contemporary clothing, carrying banners with slogans. They read end tyranny, no war, equality and protect the planet. There are two caryatids [referencing Walter Crane images] who appear to tip the jug, with two pamphlets blowing between them reading action for change and words not weapons. There is a banner [ribbon] between them stating made in Manchester, Mancsy 2019.</p>