Papyri : Christian Prayer Amulet and Receipt for the Payment of Wheat


<p style='text-align: justify;'><p>A Christian prayer amulet is located on the recto, and the remains of a receipt for the payment of wheat and maybe money for the annona is located on the verso, written along the fibres after the papyrus was folded and turned over.</p><p><a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(1);return false;'>Recto</a> translation courtesy of Roberta Mazza: May you fear, all who rule over the earth. Know, you nations and peoples, that Christ is our God. For he spoke and they came to being, he commanded and they were created; he put all (people) under our feet and delivered us from the will of our enemies. Our God prepared a sacred table in the desert for the people and gave manna of the new covenant of Christ to eat, the Lord's immortal body and the blood of Christ poured for us in remission of sins.</p><p><a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(2);return false;'>Verso</a> translation courtesy of Roberta Mazza: Village of Tertembuthis embole . . . through Menas for adaeratio two artabae of wheat, in total 2 artabae of wheat. And for your surety I have made this complete receipt as above written. . . . Tertembuthis ... Menas, assistant, I agree and wrote (?) ...</p></p>

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